
Complex data and complex processes call for complex statistical methodology. Complex statistical methodology requires complex tools. As a part of the Statnet Project and otherwise, I seek to put sophisticated network analysis methodology into the hands of subject-matter researchers by providing robust, flexible, user-friendly, and well-documented software packages.

To facilitate reproducibility and validation of results, I aim to not only implement methodology that I have developed or co-developed but also state-of-the-art methodology developed by others.

My software work has been recognised with a number of awards. Most of these packages have introductory workshops.



ergm: Fit, Simulate and Diagnose Exponential-Family Models for Networks

tergm: Fit, Simulate and Diagnose Models for Network Evolution Based on Exponential-Family Random Graph Models

latentnet: Latent Position and Cluster Models for Statistical Networks

ergm.multi: Fit, Simulate and Diagnose Exponential-Family Models for Multiple or Multilayer Networks

ergm.count: Fit, Simulate and Diagnose Exponential-Family Models for Networks with Count Edges

ergm.rank: Fit, Simulate and Diagnose Exponential-Family Models for Rank-Order Relational Data

ergm.ego: Fit, Simulate and Diagnose Exponential-Family Random Graph Models to Egocentrically Sampled Network Data

rle: Common Functions for Run-Length Encoded Vectors

statnet.common: Common R Scripts and Utilities Used by the Statnet Project Software


egor: Import and Analyse Ego-Centered Network Data

statnet: Software Tools for the Statistical Analysis of Network Data

networkLite: An Simplified Implementation of the 'network' Package Functionality

networkDynamic: Dynamic Extensions for Network Objects


Time series chart showing monthly download counts from RStudio's CRAN mirror of R packages maintained or coauthored by me and their percentile rankings on CRAN, from January 2019 to November 2024. As of November 2024, the following are the package download statistics. Package 'statnet.common', created and maintained by me, was downloaded 27981 times, in the 98th percentile. Package 'ergm', maintained by me, was downloaded 8849 times, in the 96th percentile. Package 'rle', created and maintained by me, was downloaded 4092 times, in the 94th percentile. Package 'networkDynamic', coauthored by me, was downloaded 3644 times, in the 94th percentile. Package 'ergm.multi', created and maintained by me, was downloaded 3325 times, in the 94th percentile. Package 'statnet', coauthored by me, was downloaded 2913 times, in the 93th percentile. Package 'tergm', created and maintained by me, was downloaded 2857 times, in the 93th percentile. Package 'ergm.count', created and maintained by me, was downloaded 2538 times, in the 93th percentile. Package 'latentnet', created and maintained by me, was downloaded 1237 times, in the 89th percentile. Package 'ergm.ego', created and maintained by me, was downloaded 916 times, in the 87th percentile. Package 'egor', coauthored by me, was downloaded 617 times, in the 82th percentile. Package 'ergm.rank', created and maintained by me, was downloaded 314 times, in the 68th percentile.

As of 1 January 2025, 123 packages on CRAN strongly depend1 on packages I maintain:

BANAM, Bergm, BFpack, BGGM, bigergm, btergm, collpcm, dnr, easybgm, EpiModel, ergMargins, ergmgp, ergmito, fergm, ITNr, MEclustnet, mlergm, Neighboot, nemBM, netmediate, RDS, SimRDS, sspse, statnetWeb, tergmLite, VBLPCM, xergm.common, BasketballAnalyzeR, bingat, BioM2, bioregion, biospear, bipartite, BlockmodelingGUI, bootcluster, bootPLS, calmr, cassandRa, CEoptim, CINNA, ClusTCR2, concorR, conserveR, cssTools, degreenet, discourseGT, DPBBM, ecoCopula, econet, econetwork, econullnetr, ecopower, ecostate, ecostats, EGAnet, EloRating, EloSteepness, epinet, etree, fglsnet, ftsspec, genBaRcode, GGMncv, GGMnonreg, ggnetwork, GOxploreR, GUEST, haplotypes, ideanet, inferCSN, InflectSSP, intensitynet, intergraph, interplex, IRCcheck, keyplayer, KinMixLite, latentFactoR, Linkage, linkprediction, lolog, manynet, metanetwork, migraph, motifr, MRPC, ndtv, NetCluster, netdiffuseR, netmap, netplot, network, networkABC, NetworkChange, NetworkDistance, networkDynamicData, NetworkExtinction, NIMAA, nos, PAFit, PDN, PhageCocktail, phyloseqGraphTest, pkggraph, plasma, plsRbeta, plsRcox, plsRglm, quanteda.textplots, relevent, RHMS, SBICgraph, sfc, sidier, sna, spaceNet, SparseTSCGM, SSrat, tapnet, tip, tsna, WOTPLY, WRSS

1 — Package A strongly depends on package B if A cannot be successfully installed without B. Strong dependencies can be direct or indirect.